I can do science me!

Yes, back in university (formerly TI6 "Technische Informatik - Verteilte Systeme") I did some science...(almost) all by myself. Here is a selection of documents from my small thesis and diploma thesis.

Small thesis (Studienarbeit)

In this work I created a complete C development environment under Linux for a DSP-based parallel computer called ER2. Fully assembled with 256 ADSP-2181 and 256 SHARC-2106x it had a computing power of about 12+16 GOPS, theoretically. One of my findings was that you could not get data in and out fast enough, if at all...sigh.

Small thesis
My small thesis.
The Linux device driver for accessing the ER2.
A library, offering higher functions for detecting the network topology, loading and starting programs...
Another library on top, especially for the SHARC modules.
Reference of all libc functions for the g21k compiler that was adapted for this project.
Some pictures of the ER2 and its modules.

Diploma thesis (Diplomarbeit)

My diploma thesis was somewhat more straightforward and software-oriented (-> no pictures and less documentation). I developed a small "expert system" or better, a simple inference engine. It can give recommendations to a user, being confronted with an input mask cluttered with obscure parameters.

Diploma thesis
My diploma thesis in PDF format.