Yes, back in university (formerly TI6 "Technische Informatik - Verteilte Systeme") I did some science...(almost) all by myself. Here is a selection of documents from my small thesis and diploma thesis.
Small thesis (Studienarbeit)
In this work I created a complete C development environment under Linux for a DSP-based parallel computer called ER2. Fully assembled with 256 ADSP-2181 and 256 SHARC-2106x it had a computing power of about 12+16 GOPS, theoretically. One of my findings was that you could not get data in and out fast enough, if at all...sigh.
- Small thesis
- My small thesis.
- er2p
- The Linux device driver for accessing the ER2.
- er2dd
- A library, offering higher functions for detecting the network topology, loading and starting programs...
- er2sh
- Another library on top, especially for the SHARC modules.
- libcref
- Reference of all libc functions for the g21k compiler that was adapted for this project.
- Pictures
- Some pictures of the ER2 and its modules.
Diploma thesis (Diplomarbeit)
My diploma thesis was somewhat more straightforward and software-oriented (-> no pictures and less documentation). I developed a small "expert system" or better, a simple inference engine. It can give recommendations to a user, being confronted with an input mask cluttered with obscure parameters.
- Diploma thesis
- My diploma thesis in PDF format.